AD8398,pdf,datasheet VDSL, Dual Line Driver with Shutdown

AD8398,pdf,datasheet VDSL, Dual Line Driver with Shutdown

  • 版本: VDSL, Dual Line Driver with Shutdown
  • 分类:机械电子
  • 大小: 232KB
  • 时间:2022-12-12
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The AD8398 is comprised of two high-speed current feedback operational amplifiers. The high output current, high bandwidth and fast slew rate make it particularly well suited as the line driver in VDSL and VDSL2 applications. The AD8398 is available in a thermally enhanced 4 mm 4 mm, 16-lead LFCSP.

The AD8398 incorporates power management functionality via two CMOS-compatible control pins, PD0 and PD1. These pins select one of four operating modes: full power, medium power, low power, and complete power down. In the power down mode, the quiescent current drops to 0.65 mA/amplifier

The AD8398 operates in the extended industrial temperature range of -40C to +85C.

