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The AD8128 is a high speed, differential receiver/equalizer that compensates for the transmission losses of unshielded twisted pair (UTP) CAT-5 cables. Various frequency dependent gain stages are summed together to best approximate the inverse frequency response of CAT-5/CAT-5e cable. An equalized bandwidth of 120 MHz can be achieved for 100 meters of cable.
Low integrated output noise and offset voltage adjust make the AD8128 an excellent choice for dc-coupled wideband RGB-over-CAT-5 applications. For systems where the UTP cable is longer than 100 meters, two AD8128s can be cascaded to compensate for losses up to 200 meters of CAT-5/CAT-5e.
The AD8128 can be used as a stand-alone receiver/equalizer or in conjunction with the AD8143, triple differential receiver, to provide a complete low cost solution for receiving RGB over UTP cable in such applications as KVM.
The AD8128 is available in a 3 mm x 3 mm 8-lead LFCSP and is rated to operate over the extended temperature range of -40C to + 85C.