Music Editing Master v7.5 特别版

Music Editing Master v7.5 特别版

  • 版本: v7.5 特别版
  • 分类:音频处理
  • 大小: 12.9M
  • 时间:2022-12-12
  • 软件介绍

Music Editing Master Music Editing Master是一个为家庭使用者设计的音频编辑和音乐制作软件,它提供了强大易于使用的编辑环境,如果您想直观的编辑、直观的记录音乐、添加元素和滤波器、保存音频文件为全部流行的格式或是烧录歌曲CD/DVD,他都是一个最好的选择。Music Editing Master is an ideal and efficient audio editing and audio production tool for home users. It provides powerful and user-friendly editing environment for you. If you want to edit music visually and nondestructively, record music visually, apply cool effects and filters, convert audio formats within all the popular formats and burn songs to CD or DVD, It satisfies all you need to choose this software which suits beginners especially。

Music Editing Master
