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漫威无限(Marvel Unlimited)功能介绍
Marvel Unlimited本地应用程序,是有着长达70年的漫画历史的Marvel公司开发。它拥有Marvel数字漫画无限订阅服务。其会员可以通过移动设备欣赏到多达13000期的完整经典漫画连载。关于这款应用的收费模式,现在可以免费安装,不过如果想看完整的版本还是要另外付费的。而且这种付费的方式是月付或是年付的方式。
漫威无限(Marvel Unlimited)更新日志
INTRODUCING our biggest app update yet! We're bringing you a completely re-invented, re-imagined Marvel Unlimited reading experience - built for YOUR device!
NEW! Native reading for digital comics - crafted for Android
NEW! Smart Panel experience to enhance your comic on mobile devices
ALSO! Exciting new features to discover like Marvel AR, Adaptive Audio & more!