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The Golf Game功能介绍
The Golf Game常见问题
高尔夫工厂(The Golf Factory)怎么样?
高尔夫工厂:学球、打球、聚会的地方(The Golf Factory: A place to Learn, Play, Meet)
高尔夫工厂位于草场地335艺术区,距离798艺术区很近。我们高尔夫工厂拥有2套先进的功能齐全的高尔夫挥杆分析系统,Flight Scope模拟器,Aboutgolf 模拟器。另外我们有一个专门测试推杆的实验室,可以帮助学员准确的分析各项数据,以科学的方法提高推杆准确性。
The Golf Factory is a well-appointed open space located in the “335 Art District” not far from the 798 Art District.
Our facility boasts a large ‘Swing Studio’ with two golf simulators and the latest in swing analysis technology, including the Flight Scope launch monitor. In a separate space is the ‘Putting Lab’, which also features new digital teaching aids that can quickly spot a faulty stroke.
We have partnered with an outdoor driving range that is just five minutes away from the Golf Factory.
The Golf Factory has multiple other amenities including a Café/Bar, a multimedia projector, a retail shop and a pool table.
While we specialize in helping golfers improve their game, we can accommodate and entertain large groups, for parties and corporate team building events.