Batch converter for all files which can be opened in Adobe Illusterator 10+ to Adobe Illustrator Artwork (AI) files version 7-12(CS2) with built-in thumbnails.
Freeware Batch converter for all files that can be opened in Adobe Illustrator 10+ to Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) files compatible with Adobe Illustrator 7-12(CS2) with built-in previews.
是不是很羡慕那些灌水圣手在坛子里贴出来的那种拿字符拼起来的图案?其实你也可以的:文本图片转换器可以将图片转换为html或者txt格式的文本。html格式的图片可以是以字符填充的图片,或者是以表格来表示的图片;txt格式的图片就是那种经常可以在坛子里看到的用字符批成的图片。2008-09-18 V1.01 Released by lijian========================================-修正一个bug, 颜色表示方法有误, 如#0F0F0F…